A smile is the most beautiful expression of our personality. It creates our first impressions, helps us form emotional bonds and a sincere smile is one of the warmest forms of communication between people. However, aesthetic problems such as tooth decay, discoloration or deformities can overshadow the smile. This is where aesthetic dental fillings come into play. Aesthetic dental fillings not only restore the health of the teeth, but also help you increase your confidence when you smile.

What is Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

What is aesthetic tooth filling? Aesthetic dental filling is the name given to the fillings made on the visible surfaces of the teeth on the smile line, that is, the teeth that are visible when we smile. Aesthetic fillings are performed on decayed teeth, as well as to close the teeth that are separated and gapped, to lengthen the length of the teeth that are short in length, and to correct the shape of the deformed teeth. In summary, dental filling is used to create an aesthetic appearance.

Who Can Have Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

In cases where there is decay in the teeth or teeth in the anterior region, aesthetic fillings can be made, as well as aesthetic fillings can be made for purely aesthetic purposes.
Some situations that require aesthetic filling are as follows;
– teeth with gaps and separation between each other in the anterior region
– Fractured, cracked or abraded teeth in the anterior region due to trauma, clenching, too hard tooth brushing
– congenitally genetically deformed and malformed teeth
– teeth with stains on the enamel layer that do not go away with scaling.

What is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Material?

What is aesthetic filling and from which materials is it made? It is made of a material called composite, which is also applied in the posterior region. However, unlike composites applied in the posterior region, aesthetic fillings have a feature that imitates the color of the tooth with the chameleon effect. Again, this filling material is much higher than the fillings applied in the posterior region in terms of light transmittance and polishability. In this way, since aesthetic fillings have a color and light transmittance very close to natural teeth, they are not noticed while laughing or talking and people can easily continue their daily lives.

How is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Done?

If the aesthetic filling is performed due to decay, the tooth or teeth are first numbed with local anesthesia. Then the decayed part is removed from the tooth and the aesthetic filling is placed on the tooth and hardened with blue light. If the filling is not due to decay but only for aesthetic reasons, the tooth does not need to be anesthetized. The surface to be filled is roughened with the help of a milling cutter so as not to damage the tooth and the filling is made more conservatively. This abrasion process is done in such a small amount that it is not noticeable to the eye. Some fillings are made with composites with different properties to imitate enamel and dentin tissue by layering method.

How is Aesthetic Front Tooth Filling Done?

One of the cornerstones of every beautiful smile is having straight and healthy front teeth. Unfortunately, over time, teeth can become discolored, have small cracks or deterioration. At this point, aesthetic anterior tooth filling comes into play and gives you back the smile you want.
Aesthetic anterior tooth filling is a procedure that helps dentists recreate the appearance of teeth. During this procedure, the affected area of the tooth is first meticulously cleaned and prepared. Then, a special filling material is used to recreate the shape and color of the tooth. The filling is shaped and hardened to conform to the natural structure of the tooth. The result not only provides an aesthetically perfect smile, but also protects the health of the tooth.
Aesthetic anterior tooth filling is a personalized procedure that requires collaboration between the patient and the dentist. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth and your needs and recommend the most suitable type of filling. In this way, you will be one step closer to achieving the smile you have been dreaming of. If you want to learn more about aesthetic anterior tooth filling or are considering having this procedure, contacting your dentist is the best place to start. Remember, every smile is special.

What Should Those Who Have Aesthetic Dental Filling Pay Attention To?

If aesthetic filling is performed with local anesthesia, it is not recommended not to eat or drink hot drinks before the effect of anesthesia wears off. Because the food eaten or hot drinks drunk while the anesthesia effect continues can burn the numb tissues, and the tongue or cheeks or lips can be bitten without realizing it. Although the duration of anesthesia varies from person to person, it lasts between 3 and 5 hours. In fillings without local anesthesia, the person can start eating and drinking immediately. Because these fillings do not undergo any deformation as their hardening process is completed with blue light (popularly called laser) during the procedure. However, trauma to the tooth, severe teeth grinding, crusted and hard foods can damage the fillings as well as healthy teeth. For this reason, we need to take the same level of care for both our filled teeth and our healthy, untreated teeth.

How Long Does Aesthetic Tooth Filling Last?

Aesthetic fillings can be used for many years if oral hygiene is observed and there is no trauma to the tooth. These fillings usually do not fall out completely unless there is an extremely high trauma or very poor oral hygiene. Sometimes fractures may occur in the form of tiny pieces at the ends, but these pieces can be repaired in a very short time.

How Long Does Aesthetic Front Tooth Filling Last?

Front tooth cosmetic filling has become a popular solution that corrects aesthetic problems quickly and effectively. However, a common question is: How long will this filling last?
Aesthetic front tooth filling is a durable and long-lasting solution. Usually, it can last between 5 and 10 years, depending on the filling material used. Thanks to modern dentistry practices and materials, this process can be longer. However, the durability of the filling depends on several factors.
First of all, the filling material used is important. Materials such as composite resin, porcelain or ceramic are all durable, but each has a different lifespan. Your dentist will take the durability factor into consideration when choosing the most suitable material for you.
Another factor is how meticulously the filling process is carried out. When properly applied by an expert dentist, the filling will last much longer.
Personal care and hygiene also affect the lifespan of the filling. Brushing your teeth regularly, flossing and regular dental check-ups can help the filling last longer.
In conclusion, anterior tooth cosmetic fillings are durable and long-lasting, but durability depends on the material used, the meticulousness of the process and personal care. Remember that your dentist will inform you more about filling life and care.

Does Aesthetic Tooth Filling Change Color?

Those who have or want to have aesthetic tooth filling may be concerned about whether there will be discoloration. There are a wide variety of brands used in aesthetic fillings. Nowadays, fillings produced with very high quality and good technologies used today have prevented discoloration at maximum levels. Nevertheless, excessive consumption of tea, coffee, foods with colorants, excessive smoking can rarely cause discoloration of the fillers over the years.

How is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Price Determination Realized?

Many people who are considering having aesthetic dental filling, one of their first questions is about pricing. This is a natural curiosity and it is important to understand the methods of aesthetic tooth filling price determination. Aesthetic tooth filling prices and aesthetic front tooth filling prices are affected by some factors:

1. Filling Type:

Different types of fillings are available depending on your needs and preferences. Different materials such as composite resin, porcelain or ceramic can be used. The filling material has a big impact on its cost.

2. Filling Quantity:

The size of the area to be filled affects the amount of material to be used. If it is to be applied to a large area, more material may be required and therefore the cost may increase.

3. Specialization:

The expertise of your dentist is another important factor that affects the prices. An experienced dentist can perform the procedure in a better way, but this experience usually comes with higher fees.

4. Your region:

The region you live in can affect the prices of aesthetic dental fillings. In big cities or developed areas, the cost of dentistry services is usually higher.

5. Additional Services:

In some cases, aesthetic tooth filling is combined with other treatments. This can also increase the cost.

Aesthetic dental filling pricing is personal and can vary depending on the individual’s needs and preferences. Your dentist will take these factors into consideration when creating a treatment plan and offer you an appropriate pricing. It would be the best way to get the opinion of your dentist for aesthetic filling prices.